In attendance: Chair Don Leonard, Secretary Larry Kierulff, Vice Chair Joette Storm, Land Use Chair Jim Beauchemin, Jeff Silverman, guest speaker Mayor Casey Roats and 45 others who signed in
After membership gathered for refreshments, Don L opened business portion of meeting by introducing current board. Joette S. briefly summarized BANA accomplishments this past year. Don L. gave special recognition to Larry Kierulff for years of service to BANA. Don L presented the current board as nominees for annual election. After confirming a quorum, a motion was made and seconded to retain the board: Don Leonard, Larry Kierulff, Joette Storm, Jim Beauchemin, and Jeff Silverman. The motion passed unanimously. Another motion was made, seconded and passed to expand the board to 7. Don L invited members to apply for the vacancies. Don L. introduced the guest speaker, Mayor Casey Roats who responded to questions from the audience for the rest of the meeting.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Kierulff, BANA Secretary