Backflow testing is required annually for irrigation systems using City of Bend water to ensure citywide water quality.
Irrigation hours are between 5 pm and 9 am to reduce waste due to evaporation. Lots should be watered on odd or even days corresponding to their address to preserve adequate water pressure for fire suppression.
Wildland fire is a hazard in the high desert. Homeowners are encouraged to remove vegetation close to structures to create defensible space.
May and June are good months to organize a broom brigade to clear cinders from sidewalks in coordination with street sweeping efforts of Public Works Department.
Irrigation canals are operated by private companies. Swimming or boating is not permitted in the canals.
Canals stop flowing around mid-October except for winter stock runs once a month in the winter when temperatures permit.
Home irrigation lines should be drained and blown dry before freeze up.
November 1 is the earliest studded snow tires are allowed. Studded tires must be removed by March 31.
The City of Bend requires property owners to remove snow and ice within 24 hours from sidewalks adjacent to their property.
Winter Street Operations make arterials and major collectors a top priority to prevent hazardous ice conditions.