In attendance: Chair Don Leonard, Secretary Larry Kierulff, Vice Chair Joette Storm, Land Use Chair Jim Beauchemin, board members Jeff Silverman, Matt Bryant and 12? sign-ins.
Don called the meeting to order and introduced the guest speakers, Sgt Nathan Garibay, Emergency Services Manager for Deschutes County and Ashley Volz, the Emergency Services Coordinator. In their presentation, Disaster Preparedness 101, they provided a wealth of information on the types of disasters we can realistically expect here in Central Oregon and how the city and county would manage those situations as well as how we can be prepared for the worst. The Deschutes County Sheriff's department website is where you can find all their disaster preparedness and emergency management information. Here is a link to their website and handbook.
Questions and comments highlighted the significance of US97 as a lifeline route and the role BANA could play in disaster preparedness.
Don L, reviewing the status of the Charter Review said the May election will likely have a measure involving an elected Mayor and Councilor pay. Larry K. reported that the restructuring of the Neighborhood Association Roundtable Table into a Neighborhood Leaders Alliance would continue with a presentation to City Council next month. Jim B. reported on land use items including text amendments to City code, the Bend Lapine School District plans for highs schools within the Brinson Industrial Area and another short-term rental application.
Joette reported on a few community events and Don queried the floor regarding future speakers.
Meeting adjourned at 630 pm.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Kierulff