In an effort to help you as our neighbors, we have gathered a few useful phone numbers. If you are not able to find the information you need, the City of Bend is always ready to help at 541.388.5505. If you have corrections or would like to add something, let us know at
- Addiction Help
- Animal Control, dangerous wild animals call 911, loose domesticated animals-541.693.6911
- Asbestos and Mesothelioma Awareness and Treatment Info
- Auto Recycling
- Building Code Violations-541.312.490
- Caregivers information
- Construction Debris, James Goff, Code Enforcement-541.312.4908
- Construction Dust, Noise, Emissions-Cindy Hartman, Engineering-541.317.3002
- Telemedicine counseling services (
- Damaged Roads Street Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works-541.317.3000
- Dangerous Object Removal (suspicious items, bombs, explosives) call 911, if not dangerous-541.693.6911
- Dogs Barking-Bend Police Dispatch-541.693.6911
- Drug Dangers, learn about a range of medications and medical devices
- Fireworks complaints-Bend Police Dispatch-541.693.6911
- Graffiti Hotline-541.312.7973
- Lost Pets, Humane Society-541.382.3537
- Junk removal and recycling
- Mattress recycling
- Mesothelioma Center information on asbestos and the disease it causes
- Noise Complaints-541.693.6911
- Parking Complaints-541.693.6911
- Pothole Hotline-541.317.3000
- Public Works, Water/Sewer repair-541.317.3000
- Senior Citizen Assistance, Outreach In Home Care-541.389.5224; Golden Age-541.389.1752; Meals On Wheels-541.382.3008
- Senior Care facility costs
- Speeding Cars/Negligent Drivers, call Bend Police Dispatch with license plate number, a description of the driver and vehicle-541.693.6911
- Bend Parks and Recreation 81 parks, Juniper Swim and Fitness, Senior Center, Deschutes Water Park, skating pavilion, community gardens