BANA - annual meeting 08/11/2020 Notes by Kathy Roche
Technical difficulties delayed the start.
Ann Marie Colucci, Jeff England, Jerry Mitchell, Joe Bessman all work on project in the north end of Bend. Avoid getting down into the weeds. Touch on infrastructure changes. Trying a screen share.
North interceptor sewer
Cooley and Hy97: Commercial lands, traffic coming and going, how do we divide up these different demands. Looking for a series of connections to integrate city streets, other access, hy access, trying to keep hy97n from becoming 8 lane. Utilize OB Riliey road, and Hy20, just focusing on Hy97 and Cooley.
- New route being developed from 3rd to the stores.
- Don’t want to decimate Empire Ave.
- Development funds infrastructure improvement.
- Deschutes public library –will bring a lot of development to the north end.
BANA August 11th Golden Triangle Summary by Cindy King
A special Board addressing the development and master plan of the North Corridor encompassing Hwy 97 and Cooley the crux, including 4 major projects and roughly 170 acres.
The Board, Ann Marie Collucci, Joe Bessma, Jerry Mitchel, Jeff England presented an overview of this very complex plan to develop the Golden Triangle between Hwy 97 and Hwy 20 and surrounding area.
Collection System.
The north interceptor sewer project will provide service to all properties in North Bend and take the place of various systems currently used that flow south to Yeoman. It is in progress now within Juniper Ridge.
The emphasis has changed and instead of planners and engineers focusing on the 97 Cooley interchange to solve all the traffic problems they are emphasizing using county/city/ODOT roads to disperse 97 traffic to Hwy 20 creating more access points and utilizing OB Riley Rd. This will include 2 roundabouts on Hwy 20 at both Cooley and Robal Rd. with 4 lanes and a raised median. Robal will extend to OB Riley linking the westside with the eastside.
Hwy 97 will be realigned next to the Railroad. ODOT negotiations for land acquisition are progressing. What is now Hwy 97 will become a new 3rd street providing direct access to Cascade Village Shopping and new shopping centers. Empire is already connected to 27th St., and with 27th St traveling south to Knott Rd. we essentially will have a circle of connectivity around the city. We will see significant volume shifts and better east-west travel. Going east Cooley will eventually be connected to Deschutes Market Rd. which will come later. Going west Cooley Rd. will still bump over the RR crossing, travel under the new Parkway and come to a light at the new 3rd street. There is a committee looking at a possible exit/entrance off of Hwy 97 a couple miles north of Cooley to travel south through Juniper Ridge and line up with 18th St.
Funding and Economic Impact
The total value of the projects planned for this area is estimated at $3 billion. It will help fund the important infrastructure that must take place before building such as streets, lighting, sewer, safety, parks and amenities etc. There are 4 projects. With master planning and a great deal of collaboration with city planners, traffic studies, developers, transportation engineers, designers, and public input etc. they will work together to create something very different than what we have in Boyd Acres Neighborhood presently. There is a real opportunity to voice our opinion to what amenities could be included in this development like bike paths. We can participate in the vision of what it will grow into. That said I will describe the 4 projects.
Project 1
GTAC: 120 acres north of Cooley between Hwy 20 and Hwy 97. This is in Phase 1 of the entitlement process. Hunnel Rd will be recreated to form an ‘s’ curve that will include a roundabout and travel north to Tumalo Rd. At the roundabout will be a focus on businesses and shops surrounded by multi-housing structures and then single-family housing around the perimeter. This master planned residential center will provide opportunities to live and work in the same neighborhood. The City of Bend formed this vision many years ago.
Project 2
Gateway North: 52 acres east of hwy 20 and south of Cooley Rd. down to Robal Rd. It will include a new collector road cutting through the middle from 97 to 20. On one side will be a Fred Meyers and gas station, on the other will be a Costco and gas station which will serve the entire area as they are closing their current location. On the east side of the acreage we will see multi-housing structures. On the west side along Hwy 20 will be shops and businesses of many sorts, ie, banks, coffee shops, eateries, etc. It will have a “village shop” feel and provide an experience and a pleasant place to hang out. It will not be an isolated center but seek to facilitate easy flow between shops and amenities.
Project 3
Deschutes County Library: 12.7 acres between Hwy 20 and OB Riley Rd. It will be a 115,000 square foot facility and be the hub library of the County.
Project 4
Juniper Ridge: 150 acres north of Cooley Rd and east of Hwy 97. It will be able to be developed as soon as the sewer system is constructed and light industrial businesses purchase various sized parcels.
Other Information
With the UGB Expansion in 2016 the City of Bend established goals including how to accommodate growth. It required master planning for parcels over 20 acres to incorporate and encourage residential life and business life to reduce travel trips. The hope and advantage of master planned communities is that it potentially reduces traffic, is pedestrian friendly, creates flow and connectivity, and grows into a space where individuals can flourish and live harmoniously in a variety of activities.
As members of Boyd Acres Neighborhood Association, we are encouraged and challenged by this Board to be willing to engage in discussion and be a part of the process. The communication between BANA and various developers via the Board is important in shaping a new vision for the area that we can get excited about and help make it better. Development is coming… they would like to make it well planned so that some of the issues from poor planning in our neighborhood can be resolved and not replicated. There is an interconnectedness between these 4 BIG projects and our input is not only sought after but important for us to make us feel like we aren’t being overwhelmed with changes we don’t welcome but are a part of the process. The question was asked: How can we leverage development into amenities in order to enhance our quality of life for the overall neighborhood? We will continue to inform BANA members and provide opportunities for input in future meetings. In the mean time, any clarification, questions, ideas or constructive criticism can be addressed to Ann Marie Colucci and the Board.
Please contact:
Ann Marie Colucci, Principal / Managing Principal Broker, 541.749.8447, dir 866.457.7750 fax,
New Business:
35 members attended the meeting and voted to approve the slate of officers as presented and to adopt the amendments to the bylaws.
Officers: Cindy King, Joan Miller, Kathleen Roche, Jim Beauchemin, Thomas Fisher, Kelsey Price, Taylor Dyler
Section 1: The Board shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Land Use Chair and two (2) additional at large members for a total of seven (7)members. One Board member shall be designated as Neighborhood Leadership Alliance Representative. The Board may also acknowledge an alternate board member. The Board may propose a change in the total number of its members with a maximum of seven (7) and a minimum of five (5) Board members. Enactment requires a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at a general membership meeting.
Section 2: Terms of office are for one year. Board members and officers will be elected, or re-elected, at the annual general membership meeting by the majority general membership present. Voting at the annual general membership meeting can be by voice-vote, hand-vote or by written ballot as prescribed by BANA Board members.
Section 3: Only BANA members shall be eligible to hold elected or appointed positions.
Section 4: The Board may fill any interim vacancy on the Board or committee by majority vote of the Board. A member appointed to fill an interim vacancy shall serve the remainder of the unexpired term and until his or her successor is elected at the next annual general membership meeting or appointed, whichever occurs first. A vacancy may arise by resignation of a Board member or at the discretion of the Board.
Section 5: Removal of a Board member shall occur because of lack of significant participation, unprofessional conduct, failure to meet the requirements of the office or may be initiated by a petition signed by 20% of the BANA members. Removal shall be considered only at a special meeting of the board called for the purpose of voting on the petition. The meeting notice shall state that the purpose of the meeting is to consider removal of the board member. A majority vote of those board members attending shall be required to remove a board member.
Section 6: Names of candidates for the Board shall be placed in nomination by a nominating committee or by any member of the neighborhood association. Election requires a majority vote of the members present at the annual general membership meeting. In considering Members for nomination to the Board, the Committee should seek representation from throughout the Neighborhood, aim for a balance of skills needed by the Association (e.g. leadership, problem solving, negotiation, communication, public policy, legal, financial, etc.), and endeavor to involve people who have not served yet, or for some time. Should an unusual event occur (as determined by BANA Board) that an in-person annual general membership meeting is prohibited, a special meeting may substitute to convene elections. Such a special meeting would include a substitute mechanism to continue elections, be it verifiable mail-in or verifiable electronic casting of ballots by general membership. A fair and impartial accounting of ballots, including provisions for general membership observation, shall be announced by BANA Board within ten days following of any such election.