145 pm February 7, 2017
Looking Glass Cafe 150 Bend River Mall Dr
In attendance: Don Leonard, Joette Storm, Jeff Silverman, Larry Kierulff, Jim Beauchemin,Scott Hammers
145 pm February 7, 2017
Looking Glass Cafe 150 Bend River Mall Dr
In attendance: Don Leonard, Joette Storm, Jeff Silverman, Larry Kierulff, Jim Beauchemin,Scott Hammers
Chair Don L introduced Scott H with the Bulletin and the board responded to questions.
Among the questions:
1 How we got involved in BANA?
2.Why did we settle in BAN?
3. What are our transportation issues?
4. Any thoughts about Juniper Ridge, UGB, US97 corridor
The response to Eric King's request for input into a goal settting process was discussed. It was decided that the single problem/solution BANA would present would be extending Empire Blvd but the vision would include transit, art, roundabouts and bike trails. Larry K. said he will submit a draft and others will edit. Don L said he will send it in by 2/10. Larry K said he would attend the 2/17 presentation.
Joette initiated discussion about web designer selection for the rollover grant. Larry K provided input based on communications with James and Weebly. A motion to proceed with James as our designer was seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 2:45 pm
Respectfully submitted, Larry Kierulff