BANA Board Meeting 05/04/2020
Cindy King, Joan Miller, Tom Fisher, Jim Beauchemin, Kathy Roche
Review minutes from last meeting: Parking lot czar for city
Budget: Treasurer report: new report, needs to have new sign added --$225. Joan will update. $6,000 to spend. Plans to spend $4,000 with some still uncommitted.
- Flyers 1200 BMS technologies.
- 500 info card last week needs to be added.
- Money has to be spent by August 1.
Annual Meeting? Discussed picnic or other.
Radar signs at 18th & Morningstar, Cooley, OB riley, Boyd acres,
How is city re-opening? Link to Bend Bulletin?
Land Use JB –virtual meeting on Fred Myers and Costco. Application to city to amend transportation plan and amend comprehensive plan for additional street and change in zoning. 2 round abouts going in. Plan is to do roundabouts 1st then develop the site. Perimeter will have smaller stores.
Petrosa—phase 1-6, application proposal for 1st phase—mostly housing. 3 round-abouts –2 in this application.
Pacific Corps in Juniper ridge for outdoor training facility.
Conference call by the city on subdivision 13th 5pm in Juniper Ridge.
BANA support for local businesses—post to Facebook.
Cindy –posts on Facebook stuff from city, suggests restaurant reviews, cancel annual picnic, ordered 50 fireworks signs, land use education survey.
Let’s do this again prior to annual meeting.