North Fire Station Conference Room
North Fire Station Conference Room
Meeting was called to order by Chair Larry Kierulff. Six people were present including 2 board members and guest speaker. David Abbas, Director of Street Maintenance, expressed regrets how the special election went forward and explained the strategy for financing street repair going forward. Surplus funds will be earmarked for maintenance and lay offs will probably occur until a new budget is prepared. Priority will remain the same for arterials and collectors, 1 and 2 years, respectively but local street will lag the every 4 year cycle. In response to a status of Citizen Service Request program , he said the person in charge is retiring in June and will be replaced ASAP. Regarding the intersection of Purcell and Butler Market, he said an experiment with split phasing with help of ODOT failed to improve congestion. Regarding the request for 3 way stop at Empire and Purcell, he said he will look into it. Several other questions were posed and over an hour was devoted to answering them. Jim Beauchemin updated board on land use notices. Plans for general meeting were discussed. Jim will consider food possibilities, Larry will invite speakers and seek publicity help from Joette. Meeting adjourned at 745 pm.
Respectively submitted, Larry Kierulff.