In attendance: Chair Don Leonard, Secretary Larry Kierulff, Vice Chair Joette Storm, Land Use Chair Jim Beauchemin, Jeff Silverman and board applicant Matt Bryant
Don L opened the meeting with an introduction of Matt Bryant, an applicant for the board. He and the board exchanged information relevant to involvement in BANA. Matt B. stayed awhile as the board began to discuss the Organizational Development Plan (ODP), another step in the Civic Equity Project. After Matt left, the chair entertained a motion that was seconded and unanimously approved to add Matt Bryant to the board contingent upon his consent. Discussion continued on the ODP worksheet. Larry K asked for proper BANA response to Ranch Village speeding issue and Jim B agreed to write an additional response after receiving associated emails. Additional tasks: Joette will write-up ODP strategy sheet and email board letter supporting Don L for charter review committee. Jeff and Larry will try to attend 7/26 11am-2 pm meeting of Opportunity Knocks at 389 SW Scalehouse Loop to explore non-profit fiscal assistance partnerships. Larry will forward minutes of past 3 meetings for review and also the compliance report when submitted. Meeting adjourned at 12:08 pm.