Attendees: Don Leonard, chair, Joette Storm, vice chair, Jeff Silverman, Jim Beauchemin, land committee, Larry Kierulff, Secretary, Joshua Romero, city of Bend, Mike Landolt, Bend Police and 4 other sign-ins.
Don L. opened the meeting at 515 pm introducing Sgt. Mike Landolt, Bend Police. After briefly sharing his personal career and future assignment leading a proactive team, he spoke on the requested subjects: Speeding in Neighborhoods, Suspicious Activity, Noise, Parking, and Transient camps. He reviewed a summary of police calls for the Boyd Acres Neighborhood that was summarized by an analyst. The statistics include responses to citizen calls. He encouraged prompt citizen reports of any violations or suspicious activity. Officer discretion is used in responding to the calls. Regarding transient camps, considerable grace is used as dictated from above to strive for a solution to the overall social problem rather than pushing the problem around to different areas of the city.
Don L reported on Charter Review process and encouraged citizens to attend a listening session of city council Dec 20, 5 to 7 pm. He also reported that a subgroup of NA chairs is preparing a proposal to restructure the Neighborhood Association Roundtable (NART).
Joette S. reported on a kickoff meeting of Community Organizations Active in Disasters (COAD) being formed by the Deschutes County Sheriff’s office. The purpose is to be prepared to respond to a disaster in our community when one occurs.
Jim B reported recent land use meetings that included the plans of a small brewery wishing to build a tasting room and adding food carts, the plans of OSU Cascades, and the plans for Mirror Pond. He encouraged member participation in an upcoming Dec 20 regarding holding high school technical classes in the Brinson area.
The meeting adjourned at 650 pm. Respectfully submitted, Larry K.