Wubbas BBQ Shack, 63055 Layton Ave
Wubbas BBQ Shack, 63055 Layton Ave
The meeting attended by 5 sign-ins including 4 board members was called to order by Larry Kierulff, Interim Chair, who presented a status report and shared passwords with the board members. The communication budget is $4749 for 2016-17. The Mailchimp list contains 319 subscribers and the Excel membership list, 580. The bylaws are circa 2011. The P.O Box expires 9/30/16 and web domain 6/18/2018. Property includes 2 file boxes, 1 banner, 1 Quickshade, 4 sandwich signs, 1 microphone, 1 microcassette recorder and a brief case.
After a discussion of the roles of board members , a motion was presented to list Don Leonard as chair, Joette Storm as Vice-chair, Jim Beauchemin as Land Use Chair, and Larry Kierulff as Secretary/Treasurer. Jim seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous.
After a discussion of future meeting times, it was decided to meet monthly the second Monday at 5 pm at various locations. The next meeting will be 10/10/16 at a place TBD depending on whether a speaker is invited.
Larry proposed that the newsletter have a set time of release each month to allow board members to submit items. It was decided that the fourth Tuesday would provide the best advance notice of meetings. The next newsletter will be 9/27/16.
Regarding the Sector Spokesman Program, Larry explained that OB Riley, Intersection and Brinson are not represented by the board and suggested the board seek someone from those sectors to contact for feedback. A discussion followed about whether that program has value or could be scrapped in the future.
Larry explained the Rollover Grant Program including last years experience and asked that the board think about proposals before the next meeting if the deadline of 12/1/16 is to be met. Website development services and additional signage for BANA markers were suggestions.
Tasks are as follows: Larry will write minutes, reserved North Fire Station for 2nd Tuesdays in the future. Jim will research other possible meeting sites. Joette will research potential for a City Council Candidate Forum at next meeting.
Don will prepare to chair next meeting and keep board coordinated henceforth.
Larry adjourned meeting at 6:28.
Respectfully submitted, Larry Kierulff